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Doing Jigsaw Puzzle

1 in 5 of adults in the U.S. are caregivers. You are not alone.  

I offer  Three packages:
    1. 4 month program with weekly 1:1 coaching offering ongoing              support and senior service navigation
    2. Crisis Call - 90 minute conversation: solve immediate crisis, provide resources and create 3 month plan to move forward
    3.  Monthly calls to facilitate organizing and preparing for a time of change in your loved ones world.        . 

Each week we will  discuss practical solutions to the most challenging caregiving issues. Whether it be housing, legal matters, medical issues, financial or safety concerns, we will tackle it all.  You will gain awareness of your own ability to be a loving, supportive and understanding  caregiver. 

Here's the benefits you receive with kck coaching 

Starting with your most urgent issues first, and working through all of your caregiving concerns.

Flexible sessions based on need and urgency.

A list of resourses tailored to your needs 

This will include healthcare, legal, housing, financial, safety, and more. 

Creation of a Death Book which will contain essential documents  for you loved one. 

You will be prepared for any emergency. 

How do you get access to this? 

Step 1: Schedule a call with me to discuss your unique situation.

Step 2: Schedule your first session.

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