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I know what you are going through as an adult caregiver. I am the primary caregiver for my elderly mom.

In 2020 my Dad got diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. At that time, Mom and Dad were living in Texas and had been for many years. As a family we decided they needed to move home to Minnesota. My mom decided she needed to live by me. That’s where my caregiving journey began.


Since then, my Dad has passed and mom makes her home in an assisted living community in my home town. Together, we have experienced Covid, mom has broken a hip, had a hiatal hernia, and opened her home toa big black cat named Bandit. At the moment, all is well... This is the grey area between the last crisis and when the next crisis will come. And you know it’s coming because that’s how life is when you are a caregiver.

The question is, how will you handle it?

Before coaching, I would go into full panic mode when ‘mom’s nurse’ came up on my caller ID. “What now?” I would think. I had feelings of dread and overwhelm, and the thought that I was not doing this right. I would spin out on how I was going to manage one more day off, one more excuse to kids about how grandma needs me right now – before even answering the phone. After coaching, I know that I will be able to handle the next crisis. I will be calm and make thoughtful, caring decisions that keep my mom’s best interest at heart. That’s what coaching does. Gives you the ability to be the person you were meant to be in that relationship, whether it be spouse, child or sibling.  Its not easy, but then, what life changing work is EVER easy.

I am here for you.

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